The Spatial and Locative Interaction Design presents a mix-domain exploration for modern design approach on the multiple acknowledge in physical and virtual boundary, and also reflected on phenomenal design theme: the synchronicity. Originally, the notion of spatial-human interaction has been explored in several paths: firstly, researchers were devoted to discover the concept of "virtual reality" or "augmented reality" to expand human's spatial experience by technology forces. Secondly, some design practitioners, especially architecture designers, are attempted to create language/form/structure for the meaning of space, which is also a given knowledge (i.e., pattern languages or activity theory) for establishing new concepts for buildings. Thirdly, the media artists uses "space-location" as material to explore.
Globally, this course takes an inter-disciplinary approach with notions of perceptual psychology and information visualization (with processing), which is also based on phenomenological design thinking in creating effects for interaction. The goals of lecture are listed :
- To have fundamental understanding in locative and spatial media
- To investigate novel concepts in designing interactions for location and space domain
- To have a rapid prototyping experience in workshop practice
I - Space Session
Week 1 Home, House, and Building- 隈研吾,譯:範一琦,新建築入門(2014),台北:五南,頁42-72
- 褚瑞基,建築歷程(2000),台北:田園城市,頁213-24
Week 2 Locative and Geographical Prospect
- 安藤忠雄,譯:謝宗哲,安藤忠雄的都市彷徨(2005),台北:田園城市
- 約翰,羅貝爾,譯:成寒,靜謐與光明:路易●康的建築精神(2007),台北:聯經
Week 3 Reflection on Space and Location
- 安妮.米柯萊、摩里茲.普克豪爾,譯:洪世民,城市密碼:觀察城市的100個場景(2012),台北:行人
- 加斯東●巴舍拉,譯:龔卓軍,王靜慧,空間詩學(2003),台北:張老師文化
- 季鐵男,思考的建築(1993),台北:時報
II - Interaction Session
--Week 4 Basics f Human-Computer Interaction
- HCI Principles [Link]
- Kaptelinin, Victor. Acting with technology: Activity theory and interaction design. Mit Press, 2006.
Week 5 Augmented Human*Important
- Engelbart, Douglas C. "Augmenting human intellect: a conceptual framework (1962)." PACKER, Randall and JORDAN, Ken. Multimedia. From Wagner to Virtual Reality. New York: WW Norton & Company (2001): 64-90. [PDF]
Week 6 Talk: TBD
III - Design Session
--Week 7 Design in Thinking: the ethnographic approach
- 麥可.克魯格等,譯:吳莉君,設計是什麼?: 保羅.蘭德給年輕人的第一堂啟蒙課(Paul Rand:Conversations with Students)(2010),台北:原點
- 亨利●波卓斯基,譯:楊幼蘭,工程X設計與人性(2014),台北:經濟新潮
Week 8 Designing Spatial and Locative Interactions: some case studies
- Chen, Ting-Han, and Kai-Tzu Lu. "Creating Spatial-Interactive Service Experiences.", eCAADe (2012), Vol:30, p.317-325 [PDF]
Week 9 Exploring Sensory Kansei
- 李歐納●科仁,譯:蔡美淑,Wabi-Sabi: 給設計者,生活家的日式美學基礎(2011),台北:行人
- 谷崎潤一郎,譯:李尚霖,陰翳禮讚(2009),台北:臉譜
- 原研哉,譯:李茶,白(2012),台北:木馬文化
- Jung, Carl Gustav. Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle.(From Vol. 8. of the Collected Works of CG Jung)(New in Paper). Vol. 20. Princeton University Press, 2010.
III - Final Project Session: Synchronicity City | ref:忽微城市
--Week 10 Prototyping Workshop: City Workshop
Information / Data gathering
- 蘇碩斌,看不見與看得見的臺北(2010),台北:群學
- 陳英峯,二次性建築(2012),台北:田園城市
- 赤瀨川原平, 藤森照信, 南伸坊/編, 路上觀察學入門(2014),台北:行人
- 馬克.歐杰,譯:周伶芝,郭亮廷,巴黎地鐵上的人類學家(2014),台北:行人
- Shepard, Mark. Sentient city: Ubiquitous computing, architecture, and the future of urban space. The MIT press, 2011.
- Toward the Sentient City: The Future of the Outernet and How to Imagine it? [Link]
Week 11 Prototyping Workshop: Paper and Tangible Prototype
Week 12 Proposal Workshop: Make a real nice proposal
Week 13 Project Check
Week 14 Final Presentation
Design Proposal 15%
Result of each Session I, II, III 45% (each for 15%)
Presentation 20% (final)
Participant 20% (Person +5%)
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